How to Avoid Burnout as a Writer Part II

Blog- stress

The first installment of my burnout series was so popular I decided to write a second. As mentioned before, here is my disclaimer that I am not a doctor, psychologist, or otherwise professionally certified to give advice. I’m just a regular person sharing tips on what has worked for me in my writing life.

My additional tips to avoid burnout:

Stop comparing yourself to others – in terms of writing, work, and other aspects of life. There is always going to be a twenty year-old who gets a book deal in one week. There will always be interns who are promoted after two months on the job where it might take four years before anyone recognizes your greatness. Only comparing you to you will help you stay sane.

Related to that, spend even less time on social media. Nothing encourages comparison-itis like having a newsfeed of every great thing that’s happening to everyone you know. Remind yourself that awesome updates are just a small part of someone’s life that they’re blasting out to the world. Everyone has problems, even people who come off as perfect.

Make eating healthy a priority. I love a good pizza as much as the next person, however (as much as I hate to admit it to myself) I feel so much better when I eat lean proteins, veggies, and fruit. I’m less tired and have more energy to focus on the things I care about, i.e. writing.

Make to do lists fun. Having so many things to do–writing, work, chores, family obligations–all the time can be overwhelming. My husband found these slightly inappropriate notepads that make crossing off tasks fun. Chores, projects, work, and all the things will always be there; might as well make it a little more enjoyable.

Over to you. Any tips to share that help you avoid burnout?

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